Sunday, December 3, 2017

Monthly Round-Up: November 2017

Eccck, it is such a cliche to say that time is flying, but man oh man, it is so true!

November was a somewhat difficult month for me, as I returned to work full time after my surgery, and I really struggled. I was in so much pain (you can read about that here). So I didn't feel well, I was way behind on my paperwork and seeing my clients, and that always stresses me out. But I'm finally feeling better, and I am getting close to being caught up, so that is positive. And I got rid of my final drain last week!

Adam & Link spent a week up in Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, visiting with Adam's parents. Link is a freakin' natural treasure up there.  He gets so much love and treats, and everyone makes over him. And he is such a good boy. The car ride was 15 hours long, and he never even made a peep. This picture is him watching squirrels from their big window, he stayed perched there all the time.

I spent Thanksgiving missing my boys terribly. But my friend Dana, had invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her family, and they were so nice to me. The food was good, and I had a lovely time. It's so good to have friends who care about you not being alone on a holiday. Heck, my other friend Lark, even stopped by later that day, and brought me leftovers from her Thanksgiving.  I truly felt thankful all day.

This month, I went and saw the movie Coco, which I absolutely fell in love with. It was so beautiful, funny, and emotional. I cried like a baby. Now I could have lived without the Frozen "short" at the beginning of the movie, but I won't hold that against the movie.

Also, Taylor Swift released her new album, Reputation, which is currently on repeat on my phone and in my car. I've always loved Taylor Swift, and I'm not ashamed of that fact. I love almost all the songs on this album. My favorite right now is King of my Heart. I'm so into Taylor right now, that I've even dived into the podcast, Holy Swift, all about her songs. Those girls are fun to listen to.

In December, I am looking forward to our weekend trip to Disney, and a quiet Christmas at home. 


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1 comment:

  1. I love me some Taylor Swift! Being that her and I share a last name, I've always been a big fan. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was a quiet (as quiet as it can be with a 4.5 year old anyway) Christmas at home, and we loved it.


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