Monday, February 27, 2012

Life Recently According to my iPhone

 A Beautiful Sunset in Manhattan Beach.

 Cafe Marmalade.

 Strawberry, Banana, and Blueberry French Toast @ Cafe Marmalade.

 Marilyn Monroe's Grave site. (Note the Lipstick, People Kiss It).

 A quick Starbuck's Run.

 One of the Last Paper's I Will Ever Write. (3 weeks till I get my Masters!)

My tutoring client's dog Chico. Usually he is sweet, but he recently bit the heck out of my wrist when I was leaving.

A bad case of finger tendentious I got by strenuously opening my car door? So random.

This post was linked up over at A {Little} Dash of Ash.

Song of the Day: Specks by Matt Pond PA


  1. I love when you do this- and I am loving all the photos on Instagram too! I hope your finger is healing and YAY YAY YAY for being almost done with SCHOOOOOOOL!

  2. Ouch! I can't believe that dog bit you. The little ones are always the biters. It was like that when I worked as a vet tech. I hated the little guys!!

    That french toast looks so damn good. Dang I feel the urge to get up and make it. ;-)


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