Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth

When Adam and I first started "flirting" or "talking" or "hanging out" (or whatever the kids are calling it now a days), he told me he hated all things Disney, and would never step foot in Disneyland or Disneyworld. This was shocking to a girl like me who spent summers pretending to be Aerial in the pool, singing A Whole New World with my kindergarten crush on the swing set, and dreaming of marrying the Beast (pre-human transformation, he was so much hotter that way).

So it is a testament to Adam's love for our nieces that he went to Disneyland last year with us three girls last summer. But against his better judgment, he loved Disneyland (although he was pained to admit it).  I think this mostly has to do with the Star Tours ride (which I think we've ridden 15+ times now, so fun).  So Adam and I have been trying to get back to Disneyland for months. Literally.

We bought a pair of tickets back in January, and every time we planned to go, something bad would happen the night before. The worst of which was the accident I had, where I cracked open my head. I remember lying on a bed in the ER, having my head stitched up, and turning to Adam and crying, "But I really wanted to go to Disneyland tomorrow." We vaguely began to wonder why the Disneyland Gods hated us so. In fact, when we finally went to Disneyland a few weeks ago, Adam was so paranoid, he only told me we were going to Disneyland the night before!

On this trip, we got to ride a whole bunch of rides that we didn't the first time. In fact, I think we've ridden them all now! Our favorites are Star Tours (duh), Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Space Mountain, The Haunted Mansion, and The Pirates of the Caribbean. And I love It's a Small World, but it freaks Adam out.  But Splash Mountain was something else. And the picture of us riding Splash Mountain, revealed to the world, that I was honestly convinced we were going to die on that fake mountain. I swear I looked more terrified than the 5 year olds.

After surviving Splash Mountain (by the skin of our teeth, I feel), I talked Adam into riding the Winnie the Pooh attraction. Partly because I just found it hilarious to make him ride in a beehive. The ride included Pooh shoving fistfuls of honey into his mouth from atop of a psychedelic colored mountain. And when we saw that scene, Adam turned to me in horror and said, "Is this Pooh's descent into Madness?!?!" And I laughed and laughed at that. When the ride was finished, the attendant said to us, "Welcome back my little honey bees, now make a beeline for the exit." Between the attendant’s words and the look of astonishment and loss of dignity on Adam's face, I lost it. I was laughing so hard, I had to sit down.

Best Moment at Disneyland ever.


  1. awww I love that he went to Disneyland with you twice! Match says he hates it and won't go. He's only been once, as an adult, at Christmastime. Of course he'd hate it then! But he promised to take our kids. :-)

    I love the Haunted House, and Pirates is definitely my favorite. I also love Indiana Jones. It's been such a long time since I was last there. I want to gooooo!

  2. Who would hate all things Disney?? I'm so glad you proved that boy wrong. And what girl doesn't dream about finding their prince charming - even if he is a beast? I haven't been there in such a long time. Glad you guys were able to go and I love the pics! The Winnie the Pooh ride sounds AWESOME! :)

    <3 Ash

  3. Looks like you had a good time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! :D


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