Sunday, May 15, 2016

Adam's 32nd Birthday

Adam turned 32 on May 6th, and we had a good couple of days celebrating in low key ways. Adam likes to be low key for this birthday most years, so I try to honor that, while still making him feel special.

On the Thursday night before his Friday birthday, we went to the late screening of Captain America: Civil War. We went to a recently renovated theater in Madison, that has glorious recliners that go all the back. The seats even come with a pillow! It was lovely.

We really enjoyed the movie (Captain America is our favorite of the Marvel breed). But of course, we got home late, and we were super tired. Every time we go to those late movies, we end up regretting it the day after, when we have to go to work. So we promise ourselves we will never do it again, and then we do it AGAIN. 

But I think we might just be getting "too old" for midnight movies now.

The next day was his actual birthday. I had gotten him 2 of those adorable Funko Pop figures from the X-files. I also got him a blanket rack. He'd been talking about wanting to have a place to store blankets in the living room, instead of them always being on the couch/floor. He really liked this simple gift.

I cooked him a spaghetti dinner and made peanut butter cake for dessert. His company sent him a big ole' cookie cake from Mrs. Fields. So many sweets in the house all weekend!

All in all, I think he had a really nice birthday!

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