Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stars Fell on Alabama

I've been spending this last week in my home state of Alabama and have been having a blast! I'm here for a very important reason that I will be announcing soon, but I am just not totally ready to share with the whole world yet.

So while I've been doing plenty of top secret important things,  I've also squeezed in time for fun as well. I finally got my hair done because I was tired of describing my hair color as, "dishwater blonde," or "dirty blonde." Heck, someone even had the nerve to call me a brunette the other day! The horrors! So now I'm more of a "sun kissed blonde." And I'm loving it.

I've been eating delicious Mexican food, pizza from Mellow Mushroom, and cupcakes from Gigi's (I die for Gigi's). And I've been spending time with my mother, old high school friends, and my baby sister...Just so you know, my "baby sister" is a lab named Carlee. And yes she is the most spoiled rotten dog on this Earth, she even wakes my mom up in the middle night for a midnight snack! But I guess she makes up for her rottenness by being pretty cute and pretty sweet most of the time.

I've sure been enjoying this slow Alabama pace of life, but I'm more than ready to get back to California on Thursday because I'm missing my husband something fierce. As I always do. Is it love or just stifling codependency? Just kidding, pretty sure it's just love.

Song of the Day: Stars Fell on Alabama by Jimmy Buffett


  1. I love your photo collages. It has been some time since I have been to father's family is there. I do remember the place is like Africa hot in the summer though! :) Enjoy your time with family and friends.

  2. Hello Brittany, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. I love your blog, the photos are great!

  3. hehe, I hate it when people call me a dirty blonde, or a brunette too! I need to get outside in the sun with my lemons for that sun kissed look. ;-)

    I can't wait for the reveal, though I'm pretty sure it's what we've been talking about. If so then I'm SO excited for you two.


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