Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Love About Sundays

On Sunday mornings, I wake up a few hours before Adam.  I get up and lazily stroll the internet for a bit, start my laundry, and go for a walk in the woods by the apartment complex.  Sometimes I wander a little farther down the road to the Starbucks for a peppermint frappichino. I really value this alone time because before we moved to Alabama, and I didn't work, I had hours upon hours of alone time. Not so much anymore. I am an introvert, who just happens to love and care a lot about people.  So I took a job in a people helping profession, and I adore helping people, I really do. But it can drain my batteries, and that alone time gets me recharged for the work week ahead.

But after about two and a half hours, I get a little ancy and decide it is time for Adam to get up. So I go and wake him up, which I always find a lot more amusing than he does (gee, I wonder why).  If it's a game day, we put on our Green Bay Packer's jerseys and our cheese heads and head down to Knucklehead's sports bar and grill to catch the game.  We love Knucklehead's because the people are friendly, even if they are on opposites side of the playing field. Plus, everyone always gets a kick out of the cheese heads. They are constantly walking by and asking to try them on.

After the game, I go home and put away my laundry, which makes me disproportionately happy. I just like to know all my clothes are put away and ready for the week.  I read and sometimes take a nap before watching some of my back log of DVR shows, Three different episodes of Real Housewives for three different cities sprinkled with a little bit of Sister Wives? Don't mind if I do.

And that my friends, makes for my perfect Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I always used to think of myself as an extrovert, until my pysch major friend pointed out extroverts get energized by hanging out with people, not drained. She said I'm an outgoing introvert-which I sort of love. I'm with you-I love that alone time, and I crave it. But after Match's work week, I'm ready for him to be home and be around people.
    Your Sundays sound so nice and relaxing!


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