Saturday, September 19, 2015

Alive and Well

Its been over 2 weeks since I blogged and that has to be a first for me. After a week in Disneyland, completing my 2nd half-marathon (plus 10k), my niece's lovely wedding, and a 413 mile road trip. We came home to no internet service! 

Then, there was a week of headaches. We had to figure out where Adam would work (since he works from home), share ONE car (when we both needed it), and decide what to do with Link while we were both out. We alternated between doggie day care, and letting him stay with my mother. He was spoiled rotten at moms, and he manged to get some bites of caramel apple & some peach ice cream. We never give him human food, so all I can do is shake my head.

Last week, Link was a total latch key kid. 

We experienced the WORST, continuously bad customer service we have ever had in our lifetimes. But finally our internet was fixed on Friday morning. I'm telling you one week without internet service in the year 2015 is positively barbaric. 

But now I can get to recapping Disney, the races, all things wedding, and general life stuff. I can't wait to get my memories written down here, so I can remember them for years to come. So stay tuned!

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