Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monthly Round Up: September 2017

September was a somewhat busy month this year. I went on a spur of the moment trip to Las Vegas with the sole purpose of seeing Britney Spears in concert, which totally was worth it. But I also spent time lounging at the pool and even went Zip-ling on Slotzilla. 

Most weekends post Vegas have been pretty relaxed. Mainly spent doing chores and napping. One Saturday Adam and I did go bowling with a friend from work, who I am in a bowling league with, to try and practice some (although my scores keep trending downwards). 

Football started and we spent most Sundays watching NFL redzone all day and then finding a way to catch the Packers' game (since we have no cable). The Packers are currently 3-1, and we already had one overtime thriller vs the Bengals. 

I resumed work on decorating my craft room, and I completed a gallery wall containing yellow/grey/pink prints featuring some of favorite things. And we put up our fall and Halloween decorations, and I started to plan my costume for Halloween. 

My favorite summer show Big Brother wrapped up. It was kind of a boring season with Paul running the whole show, but it ended up having one of the most exciting finales ever when Josh won. The best part of this season was getting to dive deep with live feeds and the Rob Has a Podcast updates about the show. 

Speaking of podcasts I have been enjoying a couple new ones: Modern Photo Solutions, the Scrap Gals Podcast, and The Taran Show. 

I had my pre-op appointment with my plastic surgeon in regards to my skin removal surgery. I filled what felt like a half a million prescriptions and bought the required compression socks. I started to get both nervous and excited to get that accomplished.

World news was unfortunately very tragic. The world experienced Hurricane Harvey (Texas), Hurricane Irma (Florida), and Hurricane Maria (Puerto Rico). We even felt the effects of Hurricane Harvey, when the winds took down a portion of the fence in the backyard. 

October is shaping up to be very interesting with my skin removal surgery on the horizon!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds like it will be an intense surgery, but a well earned reward for all of your hard work. I hope it all goes smoothly and as pain free as possible. What will you be for Halloween? I'd love to see your decorations!


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