Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Scrappy Plans for 2017

Now is the time of year I start to plan how I want to document the next year. And this post is really just a way for me to work out my thoughts. And this is how I "begin with the end in mind."

Over the last three years, I have slightly varied how I document every year. In 2015,  I documented every week in a 12x12 album.  Then, I wanted to do a smaller size in 2016, so I used a 9x12 album. And this year, I used a 6x12 album, with monthly spreads instead of weekly. Some months had more spreads than others, and that was fine by me. 

I also made mini albums (both paper, digital, and through the PL app) for vacations and December Daily. And I enjoy mixing it up with different mediums. 

This year I want to go back to a weekly format, using the Project Life app. This I will consider to be our yearbook of our lives together. I want these to be printed as photobooks, and I plan on having two of these for the whole year. I will do one page per week, and I will add an extra page if there is a big event that needs more documentation. 

But I want to keep playing with paper. So I plan on keeping a 6x8 album, which will be my "selfie" album. And no I don't mean an album filled with just selfies, although I imagine there will be a few. But it will be an album filled with all the pictures and things I love.  If I want to do a page devoted to coffee or clothes, I will put that there.

I also picked up this Zelda themed album the other day from Hobby Lobby, and I'm excited to turn this into a mini-album all about Link. Since he is named after the video game, Zelda. I think it will be super cute. 

Lastly, I plan on making a big album for our Alaskan cruise in May, and some sort of mini-album for my Disney trip in September.

I'm hopeful for successful documenting in 2018!

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