Friday, July 26, 2013

July Cara Box Reveal

This month for the Cara Box Swap, I was matched up with two lovely ladies again, Chelsey (received) and Anna Lee (sent)! The theme was nautical. I loved that theme, I've always had a love of anchors and all things nautical. I've even considered getting an anchor tattoo at one time or another.  Luckily, my partners loved the theme also. But how could they not? It is awesome.

The box I got from Chelsey was so thoughtful! It included an adorable sail boat serving platter, a lobster bottle stopper, an anchor wallet, salt water taffy (yum), and a homemade bracelet which I love! Thank you so much, Chelsey!

I can only hope Anna Lee likes her cara box from me, as much as I loved mine!  And here is to getting to know two more wonderful ladies this month!

1 comment:

  1. Love this box! I especially like the bracelet; I was actually a little bummed to see it was homemade because it's so cute that I want one! Actually, I'll take one of everything in your box, thanks :)


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