My goal was to run a half-marathon 1x a month for one year. In January, I did the full marathon, but I missed last month due to a sinus infection. So I'm just going to make sure I do 12 this year. But for March, I had picked out the Running the Shoals Half in Muscle Shoals. It is about an hour from me, so I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. on a Saturday.
The race was on a golf course, and a very hilly one at that. I had learned a long time ago that I do better walking up hills than running up them. Much faster for me that way, so I might have looked like the hunch back of Notre Dame ascending those hills, but I got it done!
As always I managed (according to my GPS app) to go 14.5 miles during the race. But I've finally learned why from reading this. But I managed to PR on this race, doing the half in 3 hours 9 minutes! Even with all those hills, I was excited. Now I have to work on not running extra miles during these races.
Half-marathons have quickly become my favorite race distance. They are challenging, without seeming overwhelming, and they are typically done by mid-day! So you have the rest of the day to do other weekend activities.
In fact, after my race, I came home and took a nap, before meeting a friend at the movies. A great Saturday overall!
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