Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hello Dolly & Ol' Heidelberg Cafe

My mom and I had bought tickets to see Hello Dolly a few weeks ago, and we decided we should still go. I'm really the type that doesn't like to sit around and feel sad. I like to do something. And I'm so glad we went. It was just the perfect thing to do. Hello Dolly is just such a happy and upbeat play. I don't like I could have seen something heavy like Les Meserables. It would be too much.

I loved the 1840's costumes and all the dancing. It was funny and the songs were catchy. And best of all it starred Sally Struthers!  I have loved Sally Struthers since I was a little girl watching All in the Family reruns on Nick & Night. But my favorite role she has had would defintely be Babbit on Gilmore Girls. 

She was so funny, and so perfect for the role. There was one scene in the play that was the funniest scene I have ever seen in any Broadway play. And I've seen tons!

After the show, we went to Ol' Heidelberg Cafe for some delicious German food. We started our meal with a fruit & cheese plate, and then we had schnitzel & German potato salad (my favorite) & sauerkraut. We finished with a fresh strawberry & cream cake. Which I'm not sure is particularly German? But delicious never the less.

When I got home, Adam and I nerded out by watching the Dr. Who 50th anniversary special. It was awesome. It even featured Tudor England, my favorite period of history ever! 

 It so nice to be finding these simple little joys.

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