Saturday, April 26, 2014

Swampers 5k

Today was Swampers 5k, in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.  Adam and had to get up at 5:45 because the race was about an hour away. I was so anxious for the race last night and this morning. I don't even know why, there are so many running fears that I feel I have conquered. I don't get embarrassed running in public, I don't care if I finish last, and I know I can FINISH. When I first started this journey two years ago, my big fear is I would not be able to finish.

The last few work-outs I've had, I have consistently ran a half mile or more, that is without much of a warm up. I did nothing different this morning than I do when I work-out at home but after running a minute, I was hurting too much to go on. However, I have not been hard on myself about this, I am still hopeful.  This is what I have to work on to complete my goal:

1. Getting past my race anxiety, I think it is giving me a serious mental block! It really is all about my mindset.  I put so much pressure on myself, it is self-sabotage.

2. I need to get a really good warm-up routine, so I'm ready when the race starts. 

3. I start off running too fast during these events and burn out super quick.

I went and signed up for another 5k in two weeks from today, so I can try again. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

I finished the 5k in an hour (almost exactly), and third to last! I still felt accomplished because I remember when I couldn't even walk 1 mile, much less three. I just gotta keep going, going, going until I get there.


  1. Not 'I think I can'... 'I bloody know I can!'

    Well done babes, keep cracking on. I think anxiety and your mentality is the number one player. As a person who suffers with anxiety and listens too much to the 'chatterbox' in her head, I strongly agree with this! I've just finished 'Fear the fear and do it anyway' by Susan Jeffers, give it a go. It's superb.

    Sophie x

  2. So, so, proud of you! You did great! I am so jealous because doing a 5k is on my bucket list! And.. I am so glad that you signed up for another one in just two weeks! I am so proud of you. :) You got this.

    <3 Ash

  3. "Good days and bad days." That's what my coach says when I'm complaining about feeling crummy. Sometimes my best workouts are followed by days and days of feeling like garbage. Frustrating, but not a sign that you're moving backward. Your body will swing back in the right direction, signing up for another 5k in a couple weeks was a great idea. :)


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