Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May Cara Box Exchange

This month I got involved in the Cara Box exchange! The Cara Box Exchange is hosted by Wifessionals!

The Cara Box exchange is an exchange where you get linked up with two people, one you send a gift box to and one you receive a gift box from. This month's theme was "Let's Go Regional." And we all know how much I love Alabama, so I was super excited for this theme. I sent my package to Trine Marie in Georgia! But she hasn't gotten my package yet because she is on a little vacation right now, so hopefully she will reveal the contents when she gets back.

The lovely Jill sent me this fabulous box from Tennessee! Don't you just love how she packed the box? I love the colors! I told her I liked photography, history, and things that smell good! So my favorite part of the package is definitely the historical photo book! I also love all the other little items she sent me. The rose bud salve is absolutely amazing.  She was so thoughtful!

I really enjoyed doing this exchange and getting to known two bloggers I wouldn't have met otherwise. I can't wait to do it again in June!  If you want to participate head on over to Wifessionals!


  1. Girl, I really love your box and how personalized it was. History. Yes ma'am!

  2. I'm glad you liked your gift, because I absolutely loved the one you sent me! I'm eating the rest of the toffee as we speak, and it is delicious! I also wanted to let you know that I posted it on my blog today :)


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