Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Short Hair, Don't Care

I took a selfie today. I only mention this because I rarely take selfies. I'll take them occasionally, but as a rule I'm not a fan. I just don't have the patience that most people seem to have for taking those suckers.  The first one you take is usually atrocious, your smile is wonky, it goes up your nose,  or your eyes are closed. Ain't nobody got time for that (except all my friends on facebook & instagram  apparently).

Sometimes selfies just happen. Like when you are having a happy day, and you just want to document it, and you are certain your husband will roll his eyes & complain if you ask him to stop working to take your picture. You know since he is the only person in the household bringing home any bacon this week. But I got this shot on the first try (winner, winner, chicken dinner). Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Today was a good day because I did my weekly weigh in, and I've lost 5 more pounds, bringing my total up to 31! 31 pounds in two weeks is mind blowing. And the fact that I have not felt hungry at all in those weeks is even better. For years and years, I had a grave fear of being hungry, as if I would starve, as if I would never be able to eat again. But I guess that is all a part of food addiction.

I'm still on that boring liquid diet, but I've spent a lot of time this week on pinterest gathering healthy recipes that are low carb, high protein, healthy, and don't look too bland. I'm looking forward to trying out new recipes, packing my lunch daily, cooking fresh dinners, and just approaching food in a totally different way going forward with my life. I have even started looking at paleo recipes, and I'm telling you, I'm going to be a bariatric foodie who will rock the gastric sleeve!

Today was also a good day because I lopped off my hair, going short, for the first time in many years. Getting a short hair cut, always takes a huge act of courage for me. When I was 5 years old, my mom decided to cut my hair short. She loved it and I hated it. I looked like a boy.  A cute little boy, but a boy never the less. And as proof of the tragedy of it all, a little after that haircut I was standing in a line at Six Flags, when I overheard two teenage boys wondering out loud if I was a boy or girl! Mortifying!

I didn't take any length off my hair again untill I went to college. 

Let's face it, most women place a lot of importance on their hair.  Many times I have told people, "it's just hair, it will grow back," and later went on to cry about a haircut I hated. Guilty as charged.

But today I just thought I'm going through a transformation, and I want something new & fresh. Everything is changing around me, and I just want to roll with it.  So short hair and highlights were the way to go, and so far I don't feel crying in my protein power packed glass of skim milk. 

So that's a good sign.


  1. Congrats on losing 31 lbs! You should be so proud of yourself!

    I'm just like you- I never take a selfie, but I read an article a while back about the art of the selfie, and it made me want to try to take a few more. It basically said the exact same thing that you did, it captures emotions perfectly! Here's to more selfies :)

  2. Love the new do! It feels good to get a new style with something major in your life happens. So happy that you lost 31 pounds! You get it girl!

    P.S. I might have to look at your pinterest boards to steal some ideas for some good meals! I'm always on the look out for them lately, but I am so picky.

    <3 Ash

  3. Girl. Rock on. That's awesome about the weight loss -- mostly I just am so encouraged by your hard work and all of that research. I, too, am constantly on Pinterest looking up LC, high protein meals & have also sought out the Paleo life. I think I'm with Ashley. I need to hunt down your Pinterest board. Ha! Glad to find your 'one if by land'. Love.

  4. Yayyy B!! That's so awesome. I'm proud of you for everything, and for your new outlook on food. you can still make cooking and eating fun! Paleo is a great way to go. Match keeps trying to get me on board, and I really need to. also, try green smoothies. they taste great and they are a fast way to get some extra veggies, if you're more of a fruit gal like me.
    love the hair! I have the same short hair fears. my mom cut mine in a boys bowl cut when I was little. it was awful!!


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