Monday, November 23, 2015

Kayla & Andy's Wedding

A little over two months ago, my youngest niece got married to a wonderful man that we are so excited to join our family, Andrew. And yes it has taken me this long to blog about it because I wanted to get through my Disneyland posts first! I'm just a tad anal that way.

Two days after getting back from Disneyland, Adam and I loaded up the car and headed down to Texas. It was such a whirlwind weekend for us, but an amazing one. I really don't want to get into a play by play of everything that happened or really even talk about how beautiful it was (and believe me, it was beautiful).

I just want to say how proud we are to be the Aunt and Uncle of this beautiful woman. My family has been through so much tears and heartache, especially my nieces. And I have watched Kayla succeed despite it all. She has succeeded despite having parents that couldn't be there in the way she needed to them to be (or really be there at all). I've watched her struggled at times to find her way but yet always having a vision of the life she wanted. I love seeing that vision come true, and part of that is watching her choose a man who is there for her and is a wonderful match for her.

So here's to Kayla & Andrew. Many wishes for a wonderful life together!

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