Thursday, November 19, 2015

Link is One!

Tuesday our precious little Linky turned 1! And we of course had to celebrate! When I woke up that morning, I was browsing my e-mail on my phone, when I saw the vet had sent Link a birthday e-mail, which I thought was so sweet.  He goes to doggie daycare up there every two weeks or so to play with his friends. He loves the other dogs, and the staff is always so good to him, and he loves them!

But the real party didn't start till I got home for the evening. I had bought Link some party hats, a first birthday candle, and two "pup" cakes I got from a local pet shop.  When I got home, I put the hat on Link, which he just seemed scared of it  HA. He is such a coward (so that is why he looks like he hates me in that picture).

His grandma came over to sing Happy Birthday to him, and we even lit the candle! He went crazy for his treats! He was such a happy camper, and then we took him on a birthday walk. 

Link has brought so much love to our household. He has such a fun and sweet personality.  And he is so spoiled, and likes to cry when he doesn't get his way (see video above). The first thing I do every morning when I get up for work is feed his highness. The other morning I dared to go to the bathroom first, and I could hear him whining a bit outside the door for his breakfast! And he acts like his heart is broken and cries at the window if I go out for a run/walk without him. 

Link is such a happy dog. He loves his vittles and treats. He loses his mind if you tell him he is going on a walk! He plays fetch, and we actually play hide n' seek with him. Adam will throw the ball and while he is going to get it, he will take off and hide.  Link loves the hunt, and is so proud of himself when he finds him.   He also likes surprising people with his loud howling, although he would never hurt a fly. He would be scared of a fly!

I'm so glad we have him in our home, it makes us feel like a little family. And yes we our those crazy dog people, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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1 comment:

  1. Oh he is so cute! Happy birthday Linky! A house is definitely not a home without a dog!


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