Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ice! Ice! Baby

Anyone who really knows me probably smiled at this blog post title, because they know that one of my stupid human tricks is the ability to sing Vanilla Ice's, Ice, Ice Baby with the utmost precision and not missing one word whatsoever.

Saturday, My mom and I headed up to Nashville to attend the ICE! attraction at Opry Land hotel. The theme this year was the classic movie, Frosty the SnowMan! We donned our over sized parkas, and headed into the pavilion.  I was in love with all the huge ice sculptures, especially the sculpture of the "bad guy!" Then, some reason it really cracked me up to see Frosty as a big, melted puddle.

And it was cold in there, invigoratingly so. I guess I really like being cold, remember the Ice Bar from Amsterdam?

The hotel also had a NYC attraction. I really, really loved the taxi. Some reason I'm obsessed with New York City Taxis. I had so much fun hailing them in New York.

After the ICE! event, we headed over to Opry Mills Mall for some much needed grub and some very important shopping! We decided to have lunch at the aquarium, the restaurant that obviously has tons of aquariums. I love watching all the fish, and the sharks, and the string rays. but I have to wonder do the sharks really never eat the fish as our waiter said? I highly doubt it. You know they grab themselves a snack sometimes. 

We did a whole lot of shopping afterwards. And that is all I have to say about that. But am I alone in loving all the holiday decor at malls? I don't know it just makes me happy.

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