Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Excited About: I don't know if I should say excited or apprehensive. But I have booked my date for my weight loss surgery on January 8th. I am worried about being put under. I am worried about missing two weeks of work. I am worried about missing food. I am worried it won't work. I am worried I wont be able to keep the weight off. I am worried I am taking the "easy way out." I am worried about what people will think of me. I can't turn it off. Just gotta jump then fall I guess.

Watching: I have been engrossed with the Bonnie & Clyde mini series on the history channel. It kind of excites me because I saw their ambush site a few months ago! I'm such a nerd. 

Listening To: I have had my own personal holiday mix playlist on heavy rotation this week. I swear I love every song on that CD, and it never gets old. I love Britney Spears new song, Perfume. I love when she does the dancey songs, but I love when she puts that raspy sound into slower songs also. And I have also been into the song, Let Her Go, by Passenger.

Reading: I have been on a non-fiction kick lately (which is typically for me). I read two books from two different sisters who lived and escaped the FLDS church under Warren Jeffs, Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wahl and The Witness Wore Red by Rebecca Musser. They were riveting and heartbreaking memoirs. Those ladies had so much courage. I have also recently started Elizabeth Smart's new book.

Eating: The other day I stopped by Isom's Orchard and bought some fresh apple cider. It is the most delicious apple cider I have ever had in my entire life.  I was at work today, thinking about how much I wanted to get home and have some apple cider! 

Working On: A project I am working on for my 2014 resolutions. All shall be revealed soon enough. 

Loving: My Christmas tree. Wrapping Presents. The video game, Lego Lord of the Rings, which I'm playing with Adam. And I recently watched the most beautiful documentary, The Stories We Tell.  

Recent Buys:  We really haven't made any awesome purchases lately. We've mostly been saving money for our big Christmas trip to Wisconsin and our day trip to Chicago we have planned. We of course have bought a lot of Christmas gifts lately! But one thing that was given to me was the botanical effects set from Mary Kay and I love that!

Thankful For: Cozy socks. Peppermint Mochas. Fleece Pajama Pants. Having a few extra minutes to warm up the car in the morning before I have to climb inside it. Nachos from Moe's Southwest Grill. My Kindle, which reads to me while I do my paperwork. Pandora Holiday Station. And my totally supportive friends, both near and far.


  1. I'm so proud of you! Good luck with surgery; don't worry about anything negative that could be said! Surgery is not the easy way out...you've been working on your fitness for a while and if this is the next step in your journey then there's nothing wrong with that! I think you're very brave! :)

  2. You are a "friend in my head"... We never met but I live in OC and found your blog way back when you talked about a restaurant or something I was researching. I just want you to know that I have been chubby...then super skinny...and now I am large again. But I am still me. I found it kind of difficult seeing how differently people treated me when I was thin. People who never paid attention to me gave me more than enough attention. It will be different. But the thing is...YOU are a wonderful person. YOU will still be YOU. Just realize that it doesn't matter what size you are. Your health does. And you have a great support system which is so beautiful. I wish you such luck and will keep you in my prayers! Have a very Merry Christmas and cheers to your New Year!! It will be a GREAT one!

  3. Hi Anonymous, I so appreciate your comment, it made me smile so much because sometimes blogging fills like a shout out to the void. I remember so well the challenges of being bigger in California. While their are many aesthetic reasons that are nice about being skinner, in my hearts of hearts I just want to be healthier, it nice to have support like yours!

    Merry Christmas to you as well.


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