Tuesday, May 13, 2014

House Hunting & Hoping

Adam and I have made a big step in our lives, we have begun house hunting. It is about time. We had originally planned to buy a house last summer, but after a lot of soul searching, we made the choice to wait a year and save up some money. You have no idea how much we did not want to wait a year. We were so tired of living in small place after small place. But it just made sense, so we did. 

I truly believe everything works together for a reason. If we had not waited, we would not have been approved for the type of home we really want. We would not have been able to pay off some credit cards, and I certainly would not have been able to have weight loss surgery.

Timing is everything. 

But lately, apartment living is really started to get to us. We are running out of space. New neighbors just moved in right above us, and they are super loud and do obnoxious things like jumping off the balcony. And recently the couple on the third floor got into a huge fight, and the wife started hurling TVs and his clothing over the balcony (evidence here). That was quite the shocker for a Sunday evening.

We met with our relator the first time on Friday, and we went to see three homes that evening. The next day we met up with her to see a couple more. We walked into one that we fell in love with. When we first walked in, we started picturing ourselves living there.  We imagined where we would put our furniture, how we would decorate.

It was 2,000 square feet of perfection. A fireplace, a spacious back yard, beautiful trees surrounding it! It has enough space for me to have my dream home office/craft room. I plan to call it the Petit Trianon (after Marie Antionette's Mini Palace she used as a retreat to be alone and escape the pressures of Versailles-History Nerd Alert). 

It just felt like home. 

It may have been somewhat impulsive, but we went straight to the mortgage company, and got our loan in gear, so we could make an offer. We were immediately approved.

We were so pumped to make an offer that night. But when we met with our realtor, we learned there was already an offer on the house. But it was shaky offer, and the buyers had not gotten all their financial information together yet. The agent representing the sellers felt the deal was likely to not go through, and it was worth making an offer anyway.

So we did. We have officially signed a contract with the sellers as a back up offer. The other buyers have till the end of the month to close on the house or we get it.

Patience has never been my virtue and two weeks seems so far away. Adam and I alternate between feeling hopeful about getting the house to feeling defetaed about it all. We just want it so bad, it will hurt to lose it.

We have decided to put our search for a home on hold for now, as we feel we will always be comparing it to our "dream home." At least if we lose this home, then when we renew our search, the home we put an offer on won't be in the back of our minds, making us unable to evaluate the home properly.

All there is left to do is hope, pray, keep the faith, and try to convince ourselves that if it doesn't work out, it is because there is something better for us out there. 


  1. Oh I'm SO EXCITED for you guys!! I hope you get this place, but if not, it is because there is something better out there, just like you said. Match and I put in at least 4-5 offers, all of them fell through, and we are so glad they did, because they didn't hold a candle to the home we have now. With this house, it all just came together, and it was so easy. Keep us posted, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you! The house buying process is such a roller coaster ride. Wait til you get into escrow, and then you'll be biting your nails and wanting to tear your hair out as title takes FOREVER and a ten years to finalize everything. But it's all worth it in the end!!

  2. So exciting. I obviously didn't read this post first, lol. Can't wait to hear updates! Hoping everything works out.

    <3 Ash


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