Thursday, May 8, 2014

Love Book

This little video teaches you how to make those gorgeous and delicious looking courtesan au chocolat pastries from "Mendl's" in the movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel. I'm seriously considering making this just so I can try a bite. 

Beautiful photographs of what Venice would look like if the Canals were frozen over. 

Pictures we did not take before the onset of Digital Cameras.

I still love Sex & the City. Everything I need to know I learned from Carrie Bradshaw, Everything I need to know I learned from Miranda Hobbs.

10 famous people who actually missed the Titanic.

A little bit of a history lesson on Cinco de Mayo,  Pinatas, and some seriously modern Pinata designs (I love the ampersand).

One Author Recreates and Photographs Famous Meals from Classic Literature. I believe I need this as my new coffee table book.

The real photographs and people behind some of the wildly popular & original pin up girl posters.

Cherry Blossom vodka, any takers?

I had no clue that the voices of Mickey & Minnie were a married couple in real life, nor did I know most of these 63 other magical Disney Movie Facts.

1 comment:

  1. Love the stuff about Sex and the City. I am now just starting to like Sex and the City. LOL. Awful, I know.

    <3 Ash


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