Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet

I don't know if it was because Halloween was on a Friday this year, which just put me in a celebratory, "it's the weekend" mood, but I just LOVED Halloween this year. It was a blast.

My costume this year was Where's Waldo. How cute is that? Actually, Adam says I should call myself Wilma, since apparently that is Waldo's girlfriend. Who knew he had a girlfriend other than my dorky husband? But I'm sticking with calling myself Waldo because I'm not worried about gender roles. 

I headed over to my mother's to hand out candy to trick or treaters, as her house always gets a MILLION. I'm not even exaggerating. There is usually a point in the night where we have to spint to turn out the lights and shut the front door because we have ran out of candy and there are trick or treaters heading down the driveway!

Adam stayed home because he was still working, and we had no clue how many trick or treaters  we would have. A neighbor had told us there wasn't many, which didn't surprise me because our neighborhood is older demographically. We are by far the youngest people on the block. But Adam was pleased to report we had about 20-30 trick or treaters, so next year I'll probably stay home with him.

When I got to Mom's, I was greeted by Carlee in her princess costume. As much as I teased mom about her dressing as a princess this year, I had to admit she looked cute. She even won 2nd place at a costume contest at her Vet's office. All the trick or treaters loved her and would holler, "It's a Princess Dog!"

After we ran out of candy, Mom (who was dressed as a nun), and I headed out to a local Halloween Festival at a small, local church I have recently started attending. I enjoyed watching the children play games (and not being the one in charge of the games for once, HA). I even got in on the action and played musical chairs. I lost horribly, going out in the first round. I guess I'm not cut throat enough.

When it was time to leave, I grabbed some cupcakes to take home to Adam. And while Adam ate his cupcakes, we watched one of my favorite Halloween movies, The Nightmare before Christmas. It was the perfect ending to the whole evening!

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