Sunday, June 9, 2013

Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Festival

Guys, I'm so behind on my posts lately! But I've been so busy! I just started working a summer program at work, which basically means not only am I a therapist now, but I'm also a camp counselor, first aid administrator, bus monitor, cafeteria lady, activity coordinator, and temper tantrum tamer to about 50 ADHD kids. I'm not complaining though, I love it, it is just EXHAUSTING. You have no idea how many times I hear "Mrs. Brittany!" in one day. I'm changing my name, I swear.

Anyway, this is all to say that over memorial day weekend, Adam and I attended the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Festival in Decatur, Alabama. I have been wanting to do this since I first heard of it, so I was just a little excited! And it did not disappoint. 

We got there before the festival started, so we got to see them inflate all of the balloons. It was interesting to see how they did it. With the torches, hot air, and quaint little baskets. Then, when they were up in the air they were just beautiful! My favorite balloons were the ones that weren't covered in company logos. 

At night time, they do a balloon glow, where they light up the balloons in the night sky. We couldn't stay for that, so I guess that will just give us a reason to go back next year!


  1. Awww I love this post. Mostly because of the "Mrs. Brittany!" part. LOL. I'm so excited for you about the summer program. It sounds like a lot of fun! Glad to hear that you're staying busy!

    Second, I ADORE the picture of the two people behind the hot air balloon.

    <3 Ash

  2. Ah, those pictures are gorgeous! I've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon!


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