Last weekend on a whim, I decided to sign up for a fairly local 5k, The Running of the Bulls, just because I love a good race. Plus, it has been a while since my first full 5k running a few months ago, and I wanted to see if I could do better on my time.
Adam decided to come with me, although I told him he certainly didn't have to. Just because I decided to get up early on a SATURDAY, didn't mean he needed to be tortured as well . But he really wanted to support me (and I love him for it). Although, every time I mentioned what time we would be getting up (5:30) he made sure to tell me he, "hated me."
When the alarm went off, I was ready to go. The 5k was not as local as I thought it was though, and it took us 45 minutes to get over to the race area. But the GPS failed us, and we could not figure out where to go at all! This made me anxious, as we drove all over the place, just trying to figure out where we were supposed to go. Unfortunately (or fortunately), we finally found the location for the race, and it was one of the first locations we stopped at. I don't know how we didn't see the finish line the first go round!
We got there at 7, I knew the race started at 7:30. This barely gave me time to use the bathroom, pick up my packet, pin on my bib number, and get a proper warm-up completed. You know how I said the race started at 7:30? Nope, I was dead wrong, it actually started at 8! I was a total nincompoop that morning.
Once I realized I had some spare time, I stopped to pose for a picture with the school mascot. It reminded me of being back in NYC on wall street with the bull market statue.
It was so hot and humid that morning, and I was worried about being properly hydrated. I was dripping in sweat even before the race started. Luckily, the course was a nicely, shaded trail.
I felt really good throughout the race, even from the beginning (my least favorite part). I could feel the progress I had made in the last couple of months! I was actually passing people! I have never been able to pass people, I was always the one being passed!
When my app announced I had gone a mile, I was SHOCKED to learn I had completed it in 13:53. I have never done a sub 14 minute mile. Before this race, my fastest mile was 14:30. I was so incredibly proud in that moment. My next splits slowed down a bit (14:23 and 14:59). All under 15 minutes! I think I'm going to be in such good shape for Disney!
The last little bit of the race had a short but steep incline, followed by a brief downhill stint. When I rounded the corner, I could see Adam cheering me on. I crossed the finish line at 47:30. That is my best 5k time to date! .
That post race watermelon was possibly the best food I ever tasted.
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congrats on the race!