Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Week that Was-#100 Happy Days

This weekend has been great, but it has been entirely too short.  Isn't it always? Friday night, we kicked it off by going to see The Guardians of the Galaxy, we both really enjoyed it, it was so funny. Saturday, we drove to Huntsville to go out to eat and do a little shopping. We got some new curtains for the living room, since the windows were curtain less and the whole neighborhood could see our business, it was kind of creeping me out. We also stopped by the local movie store, and Adam invested in a million seasons of Seinfeld, and I added to my ever growing Disney movie collection.

Other activies of the weekend include: watching  A Bug's Life, catching up with my DVR, and putting together our nautical themed guest room. It is looking amazing by the way! Once I finish with it, I will be so excited to share!

Onto #100 Happy Days-The Week that was August 10th-August 16th:

1. Day 22
I spent Sunday putting all my new prints into frames, this is part of the Nautical room, I mentioned before. 

2. Day 23
Our family friend bought us a gorgeous new table for our breakfast nook. I am lovin it so much! You know this is the first proper table we have had in our entire time living together! We are growin up, y'all. 

3. Day 24
Everyday after work, Adam has been relaxing by enjoying our new basketball hoop. Sometimes I join him, it is a fun way to be a little active at the end of the day. 

4. Day 25
I have recently starting watching Orange is the New Black. Why in the world did I wait so long? That show is so awesome! I know I am going to be sad when I finish with season 2, as I will have to wait so long for season 3.

5. Day 26
Yes, it took me this long to switch to August on my work calendar. But I am in deep like with the photo this month.

6. Day 27
We finally turned in the keys to our apartment the other day. Seeing it empty and looking just like it did the day before we moved in was a bittersweet moment for me. It is always hard for me to say goodbye when we leave a place. That apartment was chocked full of 2 years of memories.

7. Day 28
We have been house sitting our favorite house guest, Carlee, this weekend. She has been cracking us up. We can see cows from our backyard, and she keeps running over to the fence to bark at them like she is big and bad. Is that cow was to challenge her what could she possibly do about it? 

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