Tuesday, December 9, 2014

11 Month Surgiversery

I cannot believe that in one month it will be a whole year since my surgery. Heck, I can't believe we are in the last month of 2014. I'm torn between begging time to slow down and just wanting to go, go, go! 

I think of all my monthly surgiversery posts, I am most excited for this one. I had so many wins this month, the two biggest ones taking place over the weekend.

After dancing around the number for weeks & weeks (I lose more inches than pounds lately), I stepped on the scale on Sunday morning, and I saw this glorious number:

I apologize for sharing a picture of my ugly, ugly feet with the peeling pedicure. But I am too excited about my weight to care. I'm am under 200 lbs!! I have officially entered ONE-DER-LAND. It is glorious. They last time I remember being under 200 lbs, I was 180 lbs and in the 6th grade. So age 11?  Age 12? Or however old you are in 6th grade.

The best  part is knowing I never have to weigh over 200 lbs ever again. 

I would have never believed weighing under 200 lbs was a possibility for me! I could have cried on that scale, and I almost did. Instead, I texted my mother and my best girlfriends, and I ran down the hall to tell Adam the news. Even if he was sleeping, I just couldn't wait, I had to wake him up.  The old me would have celebrated the weight loss by eating something sinfully, delicious since I had the wiggle room. But the new me went out to do my scheduled training run instead.

I had three miles on the schedule. It's funny because 3 miles used to seem so impossible. But now it's no big deal to me (especially since last week I successfully ran a 7 miler).  I started on my run, and I felt pretty good. I was stunned when my app announced I had done a mile in 11:32. That beat my best mile time by about a minute! That is a crazy improvement! I also managed to beat my previous 5k time by about 6 minutes.

When I was in Wisconsin at the gym last week, they had inspirational quotes painted on the walls. One said,"Motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going." That is exactly how I feel. Fitness and eating healthy is now just my habit, therefore my lifestyle.

And I'm head over heels in love with my new lifestyle.

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