Monday, May 11, 2015

Project Life 2015: Week 16

After a lot of weekends spent traveling, I've finally found the time to do a little scrapping in my project life album, starting with week 16. Week 16 was the week I went to Texas, so I ended up doing a two page spread with an insert.

On the first side, I documented our once a month book club gathering (the hummingbird cake I baked and our discussion of the book the Boston Girl). I used two instagrams shots- one of me getting embarrassingly photo bombed taking a pre-run selfie, and a picture of the office I'm currently working in at the Athens branch. I also posted a print out of the anger coping skills activity I did with my little ADHD group that week.

On the right side, I documented Kayla's wedding shower and the time I spent with my family. I used an instagram of my new outfit. I have a picture of Kayla's dog, Bella, and the socks I bought when we went shopping (Belle socks at Hot Topic for the win!). We also had seafood that night, so I documented that.

For my insert, I cut a photo page in half. The insert was all about the journey to Texas, since the storms made everything so nutso! For the first side, I have a picture of my luggage  (I was so proud to get it all in a carry-on), I also used a funny postcard I got at the airport. On the back side, I journaled about the storm, the flash flooding, and having to get a hotel room. I also included a picture of the flooding, a screen shot of the storm warning on my phone, and the little package your hotel keys come in (inside the card holder is boarding passes from the flight).

This is what the spread looks like with the insert. And with that, another week is in the books!

Materials Used:

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