Friday, July 3, 2015

Huntsville Food Truck Meet Up: Breakfast Edition

Adam and I have a love of food trucks. We went to Food Truck Meet Ups when we lived in California all the time (see here and here).  I've known for a while that they have meets of local food trucks in Huntsville. So when I saw they were having a breakfast edition this morning, I was all over that.

But convincing Adam to get up at 6:15am on a holiday weekend was not an easy feat. He sleeps in late on the weekends, and I can't sleep past 8 to save my life. But he loves me, so he agreed on one condition. He asked that I wouldn't be annoyingly perky when I woke him.  6 and a half years of marriage, and that man is still giving into whatever crazy whim I have. I kind of love him a lot.

When the alarm went off, I wanted to go back to sleep, but knew I would regret it. So I got up, took care of the dog, and woke up Adam. It was sprinkling out, but I hoped the hard rain would hold off. Of course, it didn't. So half way through the meet, we were either huddled under umbrellas or eating in our car, while the storm raged down on us.

When we first got there, it was barely raining, so we snapped a couple of pictures (doesn't Adam look perky). I started with coffee. A Peanut Butter Mocha from the Wild Bean Coffee Co truck to be exact. Soooo good. I could have drank a million more. Who knew peanut butter and coffee went so well together? By the way, do you see me sporting my new Gilmore Girls themed t-shirt? It's my new favorite article of clothing. Gilmore girls is LIFE.

Next, we hit up the Belly tuck. Which was when the rain really started to come down. We split a wafflini sandwich (stuffed with ham, cheese, and egg).  We followed up with dessert at the Sugar Belle truck, getting the cinnamon roll cupcake. Super tasty.  Adam got a a sandwich from Hotbox (somehow I managed to not snag a photo of it). But it was a chicken, egg, and cheese sandwich on Texas Toast. He raved over it. 

We finished off our adventure by getting some Front Porch Tea made by Piper & Leaf (but sold by Belly). Best Tea Ever!

It was a fun morning, even getting drenched added to the festivities. What a great way to kick off this long weekend. Now I'm going to curl up and take a nap with no alarm. I may not wake for 20 plus years, and that would be alright. 

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