Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Week that Was-#100 Happy Days

I think this is week 11 of my 100 happy days project! I have to say this week was harder than previous weeks. Many days I almost forgot, but I got them all in regardless, and I am determined to see this through, I'm so close.

Day 71-We are totally living for football Sundays around here. We have our beloved Packers and our Fantasy Football League, that keeps up watching football all day long! Plus, the Packers have won their last two games, so much to celebrate!

Day 72-Last weekend, Adam went to get fitted for some new shoes at fleet feet, and I bought some of the most comfortable moisture-wicking, running socks ever! I love them. They make my feet happy.

Day 73-I started my official half-marathon training! I'm so glad to be starting my training plan. I posted this picture, as I love the sentiment behind it. 

Day 74-Sometimes I get so happy that we actually have a YARD to take care of, even though it is a lot of work. Just a quick shot of Adam mowing!

Day 75- I love the message my October Calender Picture is sending me, "You are exactly where you are supposed to be."

Day 76-I'm so crazy about all the Fall weather and FALLING leaves we are having lately.

Day 77-Sometimes, I feel old. Now Adam and I spend our weekends shopping at Home Improvement stores, and we do activities like hanging up blinds in the master bedroom. But I secretly kind of love it.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is so awesome that you signed up for a half marathon! That is wonderful! :) I love the leaves changing colors changing and falling - I went back to Indiana the other week and noticed a lot more there than in TN. It was so beautiful. So excited for you! The mowing picture reminds me that I have to mow, but I really don't want to. Haha.

    <3 Ash


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